Bryophyllum 5% Injectable

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Bryophyllum is a most interesting plant. A member of the stonecrop family it is known as

Mother of Thousands. It grows in the tropics and has an unusual way of reproducing. It is a

succulent with congested thick leaves leading to clusters of tubular red/yellow flowers, yet it is

on the leaves that we see the reproduction occur, not the seed. The notches in the leaves allow

numerous small plants to develop, fall off and become rooted. We can see a strong leaf and

reproductive principle in bryophyllum pointing to a strong etheric vitality.

As we know when looking at the digestive process, all foreign substance must be broken down

in order that a renewed substance of our own is created. In order for this process to work

properly the astral body and ego must be able to bring about the breakdown of substance in

order to make it our own. If they are too weak a kind of independence occurs in the

metabolism, and the etheric forces of the reproductive system and metabolism dominate

without the needed organizing forces of the astral body. This can lead to a restlessness of the

astral body as it try’s to exert its activity. Rudolf Steiner called this process hysteria.

We can see this process occurring in anxiety, sleep disturbance, emotional trauma, hypertension

of the type where emotional tension and agitation play a part, hyperthyroid symptoms,

menopausal symptoms such as night sweats and pre-menstrual syndrome. When Bryophyllum

is introduced it can take hold of the burgeoning etheric forces and allow the the organizing

forces of the astral body to become active.

I have frequently used bryophyllum 5% injectable as an IV push for acute emotional restlessness

with good results and subcu for sleep disturbance, hypertension, anxiety and acute cardiac

symptoms with restlessness. I use oral bryophyllum for children.

Uriel has injectable and oral combinations of bryophyllum and Weleda has oral bryophyllum.
Anthroposophical Medicine, Victor Bott

Spiritual Science and Medicine, Steiner

Finding Remedies vol 1

Healing Plants Vol 3, Pelikan

Internal Medicine, Girke