Cactus Crataegus Pellets

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This remedy is a combination of cactus (queen of the night), hawthorn berries and leaves, and lemon balm. All of these herbs relate to supporting the heart. Queen of the night is a tropical cactus tending to a horizontal growth struggling between gravity and levity. During the night it produces a large, fragrant flower. This shows a plant bridging watery congestion and its release- very pertinent to the systole and diastole of the heart. Hawthorn is a well known heart support. The tree is small but hardy and has a tendency to thorn production- a signature in the plant of the etheric overcoming hardening, sclerotic forces. Melissa, or lemon balm, is gently warming and rhythmic in its leaf growth. It has an antispasmodic property.

Cactus Crataegus pellets are used for anginal chest pain and can be taken along with or instead of conventional remedies like nitroglycerin. Of course standard angina precautions should be in place. This remedy is also good for more general heart support- such as in congestive heart failure, arrhythmia, and prinzmetal's angina.