Citrus Cydonia Nebulization

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Citrus Cydonia is a remedy that originated with Rudolf Steiner. Sterile lemon and quince juice is mixed together. This can be used as a nasal inhaler and also an injection.

These fruits have a centripetal action in the human being- they pull fluid in and organize it. This is the opposite gesture to an allergy where fluid is released copiously. And this remedy has allergy and anti asthma effects.

We use the ampules commonly in a nebulizer in the following manner:


Until a pharmacy creates a neb sachet of citrus cydonia and saline we use this technique:

  • Use 1 citrus cydonia 5% or 7% ampule
  • draw it up with a sterile needle and place in the nebulizer reservoir.
  • add 3ml saline of nebulization
  • Have the patient nebulize this daily.
  • It commonly relieves bronchospasm and can either supplement or replace common asthma remedies.