Ferrum Rosatum Graphites Liquid

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Iron Rose Quartz

This remedy is a combination of a metal (iron) with a plant (rose) with the addition of graphite. It is a powerful remedy- Iron strengthens the individualisation of the human being- connecting the cosmic aspect of the ego with the physicality of the human blood. It supports breathing and circulation. The rose is a very humanized flower, relating itself to strongly to the blood. Graphite is a form of carbon that stands in the middle, rhythmic system role of carbon on earth- between diamond (the brilliant, hard, nerve-sense form) and coal (the sulfurous, warm, metabolic limb form). Graphite supports the lymph system in the human being- especially where the too weak warmth and light forces of the human being are not properly engaged as in cachexia, asthma, tuberculosis, exhaustion, and failure to thrive- especially if illnesses derive from the lung region.

It is taken 10 drops three times per day for several weeks.

MH has found this very helpful in cachexia.