Helleborus nebulization

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Helleborus niger is commonly known as the Christmas rose. It is a plant with a large rhizome, a distinctive strong leaf, and a large flower that blooms in the winter. It has medicinal compounds inicluding bufotoxins (Bufadienolides) and also ecdysteroids- both of which have shown pre-clinical cytotoxicity in many cancer cell lines including melanoma, lung, and leukemia.

The plant was mentioned in some of the first talks on mistletoe by Rudolf Steiner- often as a counterpart to the more cosmic mistletoe which is not rooted in soil at all, helleborus has its medicinal compounds in the rhizome and is more in the earth. Instead of a direct warming effect like mistletoe, helleborus works by insulating and forming structure and boundaries between the human and the outer world. It has a structuring effect on inflammation and also fluid. The ecdysteroids are unique in that they counter inflammation without the negative effects of corticosteroids. This has led to the use of helleborus being nebulized.

In Europe there has been documented success nebulizing helleborus for hemoptosis due to lung cancer.

Lymphangetic spread of cancer from other primaries into the lungs often causes intractable coughing and shortness of breath. Helleborus can be nebulized daily to counter this and other lung metastasis. It has the advantage of taking away inflammation and also having anticancer effects.

We have used helleborus nebulization in the place of steroid inhalers in the setting of asthma and post viral and bacterial pneumonia to great effect. It is one of the most popular uses of helleborus.


Until a pharmacy creates a neb sachet of helleborus and saline we use this technique:

  • Use 1 helleborus 2x or 4x ampule
  • draw it up with a sterile needle and place in the nebulizer reservoir.
  • add 3ml saline of nebulization
  • Have the patient nebulize this daily.