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![]() | This module is rated as beta, and is ready for widespread use. It is still new and should be used with some caution to ensure the results are as expected. |
On English Wikipedia, this module is called by {{Maplink}}
, see that template's documentation for usage instructions.
- Standard usage
- Just use {{Maplink}}, which passes its parameters to this module's Page Template:Mono/styles.css has no content.main function.
- From another module
- Import this module, e.g.
local mf = require('Module:Mapframe')
- Pass a table of parameter names/values to the Page Template:Mono/styles.css has no content._main function. See {{Maplink}} documentation for parameter names and descriptions. E.g.
local mapframe = mf._main(parameters)
- Preprocess Page Template:Mono/styles.css has no content._main's output before returning it, e.g.
return frame:preprocess(mapframe)
- Import this module, e.g.
Set up on another wiki
- Create template and module:
- Localise the module
- Edit the top bits of the module, between the comments
-- ##### Localisation (L10n) settings #####
and-- #### End of L10n settings ####
, replacing values between"
symbols with local values (when necessary)
- Edit the top bits of the module, between the comments
- Add documentation
- to the template (e.g. by translating Template:Maplink/doc, adjusting as necessary per any localisations made in the previous step)
- to the module (please transfer/translate these instructions so that wikimedians who read your wiki but not the English Wikipedia can also set up the module and template on another wiki).
This module (and the documentation) are based (partially) on Module:Mapframe from the free encyclopedia wikipedia and is licensed under GNU license for free documentation and the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike. On wikipedia there is a List of authors accessible. More about importing from wikipedia on page Imedwiki:Importing from wikipedia.
-- Note: Originally written on English Wikipedia at
##### Localisation (L10n) settings #####
Replace values in quotes ("") with localised values
local L10n = {}
-- Modue dependencies
local transcluder -- local copy of loaded lazily
-- "Module:No globals" should not be used, at least until all other modules which require this module are not using globals.
-- Template parameter names (unnumbered versions only)
-- Specify each as either a single string, or a table of strings (aliases)
-- Aliases are checked left-to-right, i.e. `{ "one", "two" }` is equivalent to using `{{{one| {{{two|}}} }}}` in a template
L10n.para = {
display = "display",
type = "type",
id = { "id", "ids" },
from = "from",
raw = "raw",
title = "title",
description = "description",
strokeColor = { "stroke-color", "stroke-colour" },
strokeWidth = "stroke-width",
strokeOpacity = "stroke-opacity",
fill = "fill",
fillOpacity = "fill-opacity",
coord = "coord",
marker = "marker",
markerColor = { "marker-color", "marker-colour" },
markerSize = "marker-size",
radius = { "radius", "radius_m" },
radiusKm = "radius_km",
radiusFt = "radius_ft",
radiusMi = "radius_mi",
edges = "edges",
text = "text",
icon = "icon",
zoom = "zoom",
frame = "frame",
plain = "plain",
frameWidth = "frame-width",
frameHeight = "frame-height",
frameCoordinates = { "frame-coordinates", "frame-coord" },
frameLatitude = { "frame-lat", "frame-latitude" },
frameLongitude = { "frame-long", "frame-longitude" },
frameAlign = "frame-align",
switch = "switch",
overlay = "overlay",
overlayBorder = "overlay-border",
overlayHorizontalAlignment = "overlay-horizontal-alignment",
overlayVerticalAlignment = "overlay-vertical-alignment",
overlayHorizontalOffset = "overlay-horizontal-offset",
overlayVerticalOffset = "overlay-vertical-offset"
-- Names of other templates this module can extract coordinates from
L10n.template = {
coord = { -- The coord template, as well as templates with output that contains {{coord}}
"Coord", "Coord/sandbox",
"NRHP row", "NRHP row/sandbox",
"WikidataCoord", "WikidataCoord/sandbox", "Wikidatacoord", "Wikidata coord"
-- Error messages
L10n.error = {
badDisplayPara = "Invalid display parameter",
noCoords = "Coordinates must be specified on Wikidata or in |" .. ( type(L10n.para.coord)== 'table' and L10n.para.coord[1] or L10n.para.coord ) .. "=",
wikidataCoords = "Coordinates not found on Wikidata",
noCircleCoords = "Circle centre coordinates must be specified, or available via Wikidata",
negativeRadius = "Circle radius must be a positive number",
noRadius = "Circle radius must be specified",
negativeEdges = "Circle edges must be a positive number",
noSwitchPara = "Found only one switch value in |" .. ( type(L10n.para.switch)== 'table' and L10n.para.switch[1] or L10n.para.switch ) .. "=",
oneSwitchLabel = "Found only one label in |" .. ( type(L10n.para.switch)== 'table' and L10n.para.switch[1] or L10n.para.switch ) .. "=",
noSwitchLists = "At least one parameter must have a SWITCH: list",
switchMismatches = "All SWITCH: lists must have the same number of values",
-- "%s" and "%d" tokens will be replaced with strings and numbers when used
oneSwitchValue = "Found only one switch value in |%s=",
fewerSwitchLabels = "Found %d switch values but only %d labels in |" .. ( type(L10n.para.switch)== 'table' and L10n.para.switch[1] or L10n.para.switch ) .. "=",
noNamedCoords = "No named coordinates found in %s"
-- Other strings
L10n.str = {
-- valid values for display parameter, e.g. (|display=inline) or (|display=title) or (|display=inline,title) or (|display=title,inline)
inline = "inline",
title = "title",
dsep = ",", -- separator between inline and title (comma in the example above)
-- valid values for type paramter
line = "line", -- geoline feature (e.g. a road)
shape = "shape", -- geoshape feature (e.g. a state or province)
shapeInverse = "shape-inverse", -- geomask feature (the inverse of a geoshape)
data = "data", -- geoJSON data page on Commons
point = "point", -- single point feature (coordinates)
circle = "circle", -- circular area around a point
named = "named", -- all named coordinates in an article or section
-- Keyword to indicate a switch list. Must NOT use the special characters ^$()%.[]*+-?
switch = "SWITCH",
-- valid values for icon, frame, and plain parameters
affirmedWords = ' '..table.concat({
}, ' ')..' ',
declinedWords = ' '..table.concat({
}, ' ')..' '
-- Default values for parameters
L10n.defaults = {
display = L10n.str.inline,
text = "Map",
frameWidth = "300",
frameHeight = "200",
frameAlign = "right",
markerColor = "5E74F3",
markerSize = nil,
strokeColor = "#ff0000",
strokeWidth = 6,
edges = 32, -- number of edges used to approximate a circle
overlayBorder = "1px solid white",
overlayHorizontalAlignment = "right",
overlayHorizontalOffset = "0",
overlayVerticalAlignment = "bottom",
overlayVerticalOffset = "0"
-- #### End of L10n settings ####
Utility methods
local util = {}
Looks up a parameter value based on the id (a key from the L10n.para table) and
optionally a suffix, for parameters that can be suffixed (e.g. type2 is type
with suffix 2).
@param {table} args key-value pairs of parameter names and their values
@param {string} param_id id for parameter name (key from the L10n.para table)
@param {string} [suffix] suffix for parameter name
@returns {string|nil} parameter value if found, or nil if not found
function util.getParameterValue(args, param_id, suffix)
suffix = suffix or ''
if type( L10n.para[param_id] ) ~= 'table' then
return args[L10n.para[param_id]..suffix]
for _i, paramAlias in ipairs(L10n.para[param_id]) do
if args[paramAlias..suffix] then
return args[paramAlias..suffix]
return nil
Trim whitespace from args, and remove empty args. Also fix control characters.
@param {table} argsTable
@returns {table} trimmed args table
function util.trimArgs(argsTable)
local cleanArgs = {}
for key, val in pairs(argsTable) do
if type(val) == 'string' then
val = val:match('^%s*(.-)%s*$')
if val ~= '' then
-- control characters inside json need to be escaped, but stripping them is simpler
-- See also T214984
-- However, *don't* strip control characters from wikitext or you'll break strip markers
cleanArgs[key] = (not util.matchesParam('text', key)) and val:gsub('%c',' ') or val
cleanArgs[key] = val
return cleanArgs
Check if a parameter name matches an unlocalized parameter key
@param {string} key - the unlocalized parameter name to search through
@param {string} name - the localized parameter name to check
@param {string|nil} - an optional suffix to apply to the value(s) from the localization key
@returns {boolean} true if the name matches the parameter, false otherwise
function util.matchesParam(key, name, suffix)
local param = L10n.para[key]
suffix = suffix or ''
if type(param) == 'table' then
for _, v in pairs(param) do
if (v .. suffix) == name then return true end
return false
return ((param .. suffix) == name)
Check if a value is affirmed (one of the values in L10n.str.affirmedWords)
@param {string} val Value to be checked
@returns {boolean} true if affirmed, false otherwise
function util.isAffirmed(val)
if not(val) then return false end
return string.find(L10n.str.affirmedWords, ' '..val..' ', 1, true ) and true or false
Check if a value is declined (one of the values in L10n.str.declinedWords)
@param {string} val Value to be checked
@returns {boolean} true if declined, false otherwise
function util.isDeclined(val)
if not(val) then return false end
return string.find(L10n.str.declinedWords , ' '..val..' ', 1, true ) and true or false
Check if the name of a template matches the known coord templates or wrappers
(in L10n.template.coord). The name is normalised when checked, so e.g. the names
"Coord", "coord", and " Coord" all return true.
@param {string} name
@returns {boolean} true if it is a coord template or wrapper, false otherwise
function util.isCoordTemplateOrWrapper(name)
name = mw.text.trim(name)
local inputTitle =, 'Template')
if not inputTitle then
return false
-- Create (or reuse) mw.title objects for each known coord template/wrapper.
-- Stored in L10n.template.title so that they don't need to be recreated
-- each time this function is called
if not L10n.template.titles then
L10n.template.titles = {}
for _, v in pairs(L10n.template.coord) do
table.insert(L10n.template.titles,, 'Template'))
for _, templateTitle in pairs(L10n.template.titles) do
if mw.title.equals(inputTitle, templateTitle) then
return true
return false
Recursively extract coord templates which have a name parameter.
@param {string} wikitext
@returns {table} table sequence of coord templates
function util.extractCoordTemplates(wikitext)
local output = {}
local templates = mw.ustring.gmatch(wikitext, '{%b{}}')
local subtemplates = {}
for template in templates do
local templateName = mw.ustring.match(template, '{{([^}|]+)')
local nameParam = mw.ustring.match(template, "|%s*name%s*=%s*[^}|]+")
if util.isCoordTemplateOrWrapper(templateName) then
if nameParam then table.insert(output, template) end
elseif mw.ustring.find(mw.ustring.sub(template, 2), "{{") then
local subOutput = util.extractCoordTemplates(mw.ustring.sub(template, 2))
for _, t in pairs(subOutput) do
table.insert(output, t)
-- ensure coords are not using title display
for k, v in pairs(output) do
output[k] = mw.ustring.gsub(v, "|%s*display%s*=[^|}]+", "|display=inline")
return output
Gets all named coordiates from a page or a section of a page.
@param {string|nil} page Page name, or name#section, to get named coordinates
from. If the name is omitted, i.e. #section or nil or empty string, then
the current page will be used.
@returns {table} sequence of {coord, name, description} tables where coord is
the coordinates in a format suitable for #util.parseCoords, name is a string,
and description is a string (coordinates in a format suitable for displaying
to the reader). If for some reason the name can't be found, the description
is nil and the name contains display-format coordinates.
@throws {L10n.error.noNamedCoords} if no named coordinates are found.
function util.getNamedCoords(page)
if transcluder == nil then
-- load [[Module:Transcluder]] lazily so it is only transcluded on pages that
-- actually use named coordinates
transcluder = require("Module:Transcluder")
local parts = mw.text.split(page or "", "#", true)
local name = parts[1] == "" and mw.title.getCurrentTitle().prefixedText or parts[1]
local section = parts[2]
local pageWikitext = transcluder.get(section and name.."#"..section or name)
local coordTemplates = util.extractCoordTemplates(pageWikitext)
if #coordTemplates == 0 then error(string.format(L10n.error.noNamedCoords, page or name), 0) end
local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()
local sep = "________"
local expandedContent = frame:preprocess(table.concat(coordTemplates, sep))
local expandedTemplates = mw.text.split(expandedContent, sep)
local namedCoords = {}
for _, expandedTemplate in pairs(expandedTemplates) do
local coord = mw.ustring.match(expandedTemplate, "<span class=\"geo%-dec\".->(.-)</span>")
if coord then
local name = (
-- name specified by a wrapper template, e.g [[Article|Name]]
mw.ustring.match(expandedTemplate, "<span class=\"mapframe%-coord%-name\">(.-)</span>") or
-- name passed into coord template
mw.ustring.match(expandedTemplate, "<span class=\"fn org\">(.-)</span>") or
-- default to the coordinates if the name can't be retrieved
local description = name ~= coord and coord
local coord = mw.ustring.gsub(coord, "[° ]", "_")
table.insert(namedCoords, {coord=coord, name=name, description=description})
if #namedCoords == 0 then error(string.format(L10n.error.noNamedCoords, page or name), 0) end
return namedCoords
Parse coordinate values from the params passed in a GeoHack url (such as
//¶ms=1_2_N_3_4_W_ or
//¶ms=1.23_S_4.56_E_ )
or non-url string in the same format (such as `1_2_N_3_4_W_` or `1.23_S_4.56_E_`)
@param {string} coords string containing coordinates
@returns {number, number} latitude, longitude
function util.parseCoords(coords)
local coordsPatt
if mw.ustring.find(coords, "params=", 1, true) then
-- prevent false matches from page name, e.g. ?pagename=Lorem_S._Ipsum
coordsPatt = 'params=([_%.%d]+[NS][_%.%d]+[EW])'
-- not actually a geohack url, just the same format
coordsPatt = '[_%.%d]+[NS][_%.%d]+[EW]'
local parts = mw.text.split((mw.ustring.match(coords, coordsPatt) or ''), '_')
local lat_d = tonumber(parts[1])
local lat_m = tonumber(parts[2]) -- nil if coords are in decimal format
local lat_s = lat_m and tonumber(parts[3]) -- nil if coords are either in decimal format or degrees and minutes only
local lat = lat_d + (lat_m or 0)/60 + (lat_s or 0)/3600
if parts[#parts/2] == 'S' then
lat = lat * -1
local long_d = tonumber(parts[1+#parts/2])
local long_m = tonumber(parts[2+#parts/2]) -- nil if coords are in decimal format
local long_s = long_m and tonumber(parts[3+#parts/2]) -- nil if coords are either in decimal format or degrees and minutes only
local long = long_d + (long_m or 0)/60 + (long_s or 0)/3600
if parts[#parts] == 'W' then
long = long * -1
return lat, long
Get coordinates from a Wikidata item
@param {string} item_id Wikidata item id (Q number)
@returns {number, number} latitude, longitude
@throws {L10n.error.noCoords} if item_id is invalid or the item does not exist
@throws {L10n.error.wikidataCoords} if the the item does not have a P625
statement (coordinates), or it is set to "no value"
function util.wikidataCoords(item_id)
if not (item_id and mw.wikibase.isValidEntityId(item_id) and mw.wikibase.entityExists(item_id)) then
error(L10n.error.noCoords, 0)
local coordStatements = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(item_id, 'P625')
if not coordStatements or #coordStatements == 0 then
error(L10n.error.wikidataCoords, 0)
local hasNoValue = ( coordStatements[1].mainsnak and (coordStatements[1].mainsnak.snaktype == 'novalue' or coordStatements[1].mainsnak.snaktype == 'somevalue') )
if hasNoValue then
error(L10n.error.wikidataCoords, 0)
local wdCoords = coordStatements[1]['mainsnak']['datavalue']['value']
return tonumber(wdCoords['latitude']), tonumber(wdCoords['longitude'])
Creates a polygon that approximates a circle
@param {number} lat Latitude
@param {number} long Longitude
@param {number} radius Radius in metres
@param {number} n Number of edges for the polygon
@returns {table} sequence of {latitude, longitude} table sequences, where
latitude and longitude are both numbers
function util.circleToPolygon(lat, long, radius, n) -- n is number of edges
-- Based on, ISC licence
local function offset(cLat, cLon, distance, bearing)
local lat1 = math.rad(cLat)
local lon1 = math.rad(cLon)
local dByR = distance / 6378137 -- distance divided by 6378137 (radius of the earth) wgs84
local lat = math.asin(
math.sin(lat1) * math.cos(dByR) +
math.cos(lat1) * math.sin(dByR) * math.cos(bearing)
local lon = lon1 + math.atan2(
math.sin(bearing) * math.sin(dByR) * math.cos(lat1),
math.cos(dByR) - math.sin(lat1) * math.sin(lat)
return {math.deg(lon), math.deg(lat)}
local coordinates = {};
local i = 0;
while i < n do
offset(lat, long, radius, (2*math.pi*i*-1)/n)
i = i + 1
table.insert(coordinates, offset(lat, long, radius, 0))
return coordinates
Get the number of key-value pairs in a table, which might not be a sequence.
@param {table} t
@returns {number} count of key-value pairs
function util.tableCount(t)
local count = 0
for k, v in pairs(t) do
count = count + 1
return count
For a table where the values are all tables, returns either the util.tableCount
of the subtables if they are all the same, or nil if they are not all the same.
@param {table} t
@returns {number|nil} count of key-value pairs of subtable, or nil if subtables
have different counts
function util.subTablesCount(t)
local count = nil
for k, v in pairs(t) do
if count == nil then
count = util.tableCount(v)
elseif count ~= util.tableCount(v) then
return nil
return count
Splits a list into a table sequence. The items in the list may be separated by
commas, or by semicolons (if items may contain commas), or by "###" (if items
may contain semicolons).
@param {string} listString
@returns {table} sequence of list items
function util.tableFromList(listString)
if type(listString) ~= "string" or listString == "" then return nil end
local separator = (mw.ustring.find(listString, "###", 0, true ) and "###") or
(mw.ustring.find(listString, ";", 0, true ) and ";") or ","
local pattern = "%s*"..separator.."%s*"
return mw.text.split(listString, pattern)
-- Boolean in outer scope indicating if Kartographer should be able to
-- automatically calculate coordinates (see phab:T227402)
local coordsDerivedFromFeatures = false;
Make methods: These take in a table of arguments, and return either a string
or a table to be used in the eventual output.
local make = {}
Makes content to go inside the maplink or mapframe tag.
@param {table} args
@returns {string} tag content
function make.content(args)
if util.getParameterValue(args, 'raw') then
coordsDerivedFromFeatures = true -- Kartographer should be able to automatically calculate coords from raw geoJSON
return util.getParameterValue(args, 'raw')
local content = {}
local argsExpanded = {}
for k, v in pairs(args) do
local index = string.match( k, '^[^0-9]+([0-9]*)$' )
if index ~= nil then
local indexNumber = ''
if index ~= '' then
indexNumber = tonumber(index)
indexNumber = 1
if argsExpanded[indexNumber] == nil then
argsExpanded[indexNumber] = {}
argsExpanded[indexNumber][ string.gsub(k, index, '') ] = v
for contentIndex, contentArgs in pairs(argsExpanded) do
local argType = util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, "type")
-- Kartographer automatically calculates coords if geolines/shapes are used (T227402)
if not coordsDerivedFromFeatures then
coordsDerivedFromFeatures = ( argType == L10n.str.line or argType == L10n.str.shape ) and true or false
if argType == L10n.str.named then
local namedCoords = util.getNamedCoords(util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, "from"))
local typeKey = type(L10n.para.type) == "table" and L10n.para.type[1] or L10n.para.type
local coordKey = type(L10n.para.coord) == "table" and L10n.para.coord[1] or L10n.para.coord
local titleKey = type(L10n.para.title) == "table" and L10n.para.title[1] or L10n.para.title
local descKey = type(L10n.para.description) == "table" and L10n.para.description[1] or L10n.para.description
for _, namedCoord in pairs(namedCoords) do
contentArgs[typeKey] = "point"
contentArgs[coordKey] = namedCoord.coord
contentArgs[titleKey] =
contentArgs[descKey] = namedCoord.description
content[#content+1] = make.contentJson(contentArgs)
content[#content + 1] = make.contentJson(contentArgs)
--Single item, no array needed
if #content==1 then return content[1] end
--Multiple items get placed in a FeatureCollection
local contentArray = '[\n' .. table.concat( content, ',\n') .. '\n]'
return contentArray
Make coordinates from the coord arg, or the id arg, or the current page's
Wikidata item.
@param {table} args
@param {boolean} [plainOutput]
@returns {Mixed} Either:
{number, number} latitude, longitude if plainOutput is true; or
{table} table sequence of longitude, then latitude (gives the required format
for GeoJSON when encoded)
function make.coords(args, plainOutput)
local coords, lat, long
local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()
if util.getParameterValue(args, 'coord') then
coords = frame:preprocess( util.getParameterValue(args, 'coord') )
lat, long = util.parseCoords(coords)
lat, long = util.wikidataCoords(util.getParameterValue(args, 'id') or mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage())
if plainOutput then
return lat, long
return {[0] = long, [1] = lat}
Makes a table of coordinates that approximate a circle.
@param {table} args
@returns {table} sequence of {latitude, longitude} table sequences, where
latitude and longitude are both numbers
@throws {L10n.error.noCircleCoords} if centre coordinates are not specified
@throws {L10n.error.noRadius} if radius is not specified
@throws {L10n.error.negativeRadius} if radius is negative or zero
@throws {L10n.error.negativeEdges} if edges is negative or zero
function make.circleCoords(args)
local lat, long = make.coords(args, true)
local radius = util.getParameterValue(args, 'radius')
if not radius then
radius = util.getParameterValue(args, 'radiusKm') and tonumber(util.getParameterValue(args, 'radiusKm'))*1000
if not radius then
radius = util.getParameterValue(args, 'radiusMi') and tonumber(util.getParameterValue(args, 'radiusMi'))*1609.344
if not radius then
radius = util.getParameterValue(args, 'radiusFt') and tonumber(util.getParameterValue(args, 'radiusFt'))*0.3048
local edges = util.getParameterValue(args, 'edges') or L10n.defaults.edges
if not lat or not long then
error(L10n.error.noCircleCoords, 0)
elseif not radius then
error(L10n.error.noRadius, 0)
elseif tonumber(radius) <= 0 then
error(L10n.error.negativeRadius, 0)
elseif tonumber(edges) <= 0 then
error(L10n.error.negativeEdges, 0)
return util.circleToPolygon(lat, long, radius, tonumber(edges))
Makes JSON data for a feature
@param contentArgs args for this feature. Keys must be the non-suffixed version
of the parameter names, i.e. use type, stroke, fill,... rather than type3,
stroke3, fill3,...
@returns {string} JSON encoded data
function make.contentJson(contentArgs)
local data = {}
if util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'type') == L10n.str.point or util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'type') == then
local isCircle = util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'type') ==
data.type = "Feature"
data.geometry = {
type = isCircle and "LineString" or "Point",
coordinates = isCircle and make.circleCoords(contentArgs) or make.coords(contentArgs)
} = {
title = util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'title') or mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent():getTitle()
if isCircle then
-- TODO: This is very similar to below, should be extracted into a function = util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'strokeColor') or L10n.defaults.strokeColor["stroke-width"] = tonumber(util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'strokeWidth')) or L10n.defaults.strokeWidth
local strokeOpacity = util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'strokeOpacity')
if strokeOpacity then['stroke-opacity'] = tonumber(strokeOpacity)
local fill = util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'fill')
if fill then = fill
local fillOpacity = util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'fillOpacity')['fill-opacity'] = fillOpacity and tonumber(fillOpacity) or 0.6
else -- is a point
local markerSymbol = util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'marker') or L10n.defaults.marker
-- allow blank to be explicitly specified, for overriding infoboxes or other templates with a default value
if markerSymbol ~= "blank" then["marker-symbol"] = markerSymbol
end["marker-color"] = util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'markerColor') or L10n.defaults.markerColor["marker-size"] = util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'markerSize') or L10n.defaults.markerSize
data.type = "ExternalData"
if util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'type') == or util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'from') then
data.service = "page"
elseif util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'type') == L10n.str.line then
data.service = "geoline"
elseif util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'type') == L10n.str.shape then
data.service = "geoshape"
elseif util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'type') == L10n.str.shapeInverse then
data.service = "geomask"
if util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'id') or (not (util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'from')) and mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage()) then
data.ids = util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'id') or mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage()
data.title = util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'from')
end = {
stroke = util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'strokeColor') or L10n.defaults.strokeColor,
["stroke-width"] = tonumber(util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'strokeWidth')) or L10n.defaults.strokeWidth
local strokeOpacity = util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'strokeOpacity')
if strokeOpacity then['stroke-opacity'] = tonumber(strokeOpacity)
local fill = util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'fill')
if fill and (data.service == "geoshape" or data.service == "geomask") then = fill
local fillOpacity = util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'fillOpacity')
if fillOpacity then['fill-opacity'] = tonumber(fillOpacity)
end = util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'title') or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
if util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'description') then = util.getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'description')
return mw.text.jsonEncode(data)
Makes attributes for the maplink or mapframe tag.
@param {table} args
@param {boolean} [isTitle] Tag is to be displayed in the title of page rather
than inline
@returns {table<string,string>} key-value pairs of attribute names and values
function make.tagAttribs(args, isTitle)
local attribs = {}
if util.getParameterValue(args, 'zoom') then
attribs.zoom = util.getParameterValue(args, 'zoom')
if util.isDeclined(util.getParameterValue(args, 'icon')) then
attribs.class = "no-icon"
if util.getParameterValue(args, 'type') == L10n.str.point and not coordsDerivedFromFeatures then
local lat, long = make.coords(args, 'plainOutput')
attribs.latitude = tostring(lat)
attribs.longitude = tostring(long)
if util.isAffirmed(util.getParameterValue(args, 'frame')) and not(isTitle) then
attribs.width = util.getParameterValue(args, 'frameWidth') or L10n.defaults.frameWidth
attribs.height = util.getParameterValue(args, 'frameHeight') or L10n.defaults.frameHeight
if util.getParameterValue(args, 'frameCoordinates') then
local frameLat, frameLong = util.parseCoords(util.getParameterValue(args, 'frameCoordinates'))
attribs.latitude = frameLat
attribs.longitude = frameLong
if util.getParameterValue(args, 'frameLatitude') then
attribs.latitude = util.getParameterValue(args, 'frameLatitude')
if util.getParameterValue(args, 'frameLongitude') then
attribs.longitude = util.getParameterValue(args, 'frameLongitude')
if not attribs.latitude and not attribs.longitude and not coordsDerivedFromFeatures then
local success, lat, long = pcall(util.wikidataCoords, util.getParameterValue(args, 'id') or mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage())
if success then
attribs.latitude = tostring(lat)
attribs.longitude = tostring(long)
if util.getParameterValue(args, 'frameAlign') then
attribs.align = util.getParameterValue(args, 'frameAlign')
if util.isAffirmed(util.getParameterValue(args, 'plain')) then
attribs.frameless = "1"
attribs.text = util.getParameterValue(args, 'text') or L10n.defaults.text
attribs.text = util.getParameterValue(args, 'text') or L10n.defaults.text
return attribs
Makes maplink wikitext that will be located in the top-right of the title of the
page (the same place where coords with |display=title are positioned).
@param {table} args
@param {string} tagContent Content for the maplink tag
@returns {string}
function make.titleOutput(args, tagContent)
local titleTag = mw.text.tag('maplink', make.tagAttribs(args, true), tagContent)
local spanAttribs = {
style = "font-size: small;",
id = "coordinates"
return mw.text.tag('span', spanAttribs, titleTag)
Makes maplink or mapframe wikitext that will be located inline.
@param {table} args
@param {string} tagContent Content for the maplink tag
@returns {string}
function make.inlineOutput(args, tagContent)
local tagName = 'maplink'
if util.getParameterValue(args, 'frame') then
tagName = 'mapframe'
return mw.text.tag(tagName, make.tagAttribs(args), tagContent)
Makes the HTML required for the swicther to work, including the templatestyles
@param {table} params table sequence of {map, label} tables
@param {string} params{}.map Wikitext for mapframe map
@param {string} params{}.label Label text for swicther option
@param {table} options
@param {string} options.alignment "left" or "center" or "right"
@param {boolean} options.isThumbnail Display in a thumbnail
@param {string} options.width Width of frame, e.g. "200"
@param {string} [options.caption] Caption wikitext for thumnail
@retruns {string} swicther HTML
function make.switcherHtml(params, options)
options = options or {}
local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()
local styles = frame:extensionTag{
name = "templatestyles",
args = {src = "Template:Maplink/styles-multi.css"}
local container = mw.html.create("div")
if options.alignment == "left" or options.alignment == "right" then
else -- alignment is "center"
for i = 1, #params do
:css("display", "none")
if not options.isThumbnail then
return styles .. tostring(container)
local classlist = container:getAttr("class")
classlist = mw.ustring.gsub(classlist, "%a*"..options.alignment, "")
container:attr("class", classlist)
local outerCountainer = mw.html.create("div")
if options.alignment == "left" or options.alignment == "right" then
else -- alignment is "center"
:css("width", options.width.."px")
:node(options.caption and mw.html.create("div")
return styles .. tostring(outerCountainer)
Makes the HTML required for an overlay map to work
@param {string} overlayMap wikitext for the overlay map
@param {string} baseMap wikitext for the base map
@param {table} options various styling/display options
@param {string} options.align "left" or "center" or "right"
@param {string|number} options.width Width of the base map, e.g. "300"
@param {string|number} options.width Height of the base map, e.g. "200"
@param {string} options.border Border style for the overlayed map, e.g. "1px solid white"
@param {string} options.horizontalAlignment Horizontal alignment for overlay map, "left" or "right"
@param {string|number} options.horizontalOffset Horizontal offset in pixels from the alignment edge, e.g "10"
@param {string} options.verticalAlignment Vertical alignment for overlay map, "top" or "bottom"
@param {string|number} options.verticalOffset Vertical offset in pixels from the alignment edge, e.g. is "10"
@param {boolean} options.isThumbnail Display in a thumbnail
@param {string} [options.caption] Caption wikitext for thumnail
@retruns {string} HTML for basemap with overlay
function make.overlayHtml(overlayMap, baseMap, options)
options = options or {}
local containerFloatClass = "float"..(options.align or "none")
if options.align == "center" then
containerFloatClass = "center"
local containerStyle = {
position = "relative",
width = options.width .. "px",
height = options.height .. "px",
overflow = "hidden" -- mobile/minerva tends to add scrollbars for a couple of pixels
if options.align == "center" then
containerStyle["margin-left"] = "auto"
containerStyle["margin-right"] = "auto"
local container = mw.html.create("div")
local overlayStyle = {
position = "absolute",
["z-index"] = "1",
border = options.border or "1px solid white"
if options.horizontalAlignment == "right" then
overlayStyle.right = options.horizontalOffset .. "px"
overlayStyle.left = options.horizontalOffset .. "px"
if options.verticalAlignment == "bottom" then
overlayStyle.bottom = options.verticalOffset .. "px"
else = options.verticalOffset .. "px"
local overlayDiv = mw.html.create("div")
if not options.isThumbnail then
return tostring(container)
local classlist = container:getAttr("class")
classlist = mw.ustring.gsub(classlist, "%a*"..options.align, "")
container:attr("class", classlist)
local outerCountainer = mw.html.create("div")
if options.align == "left" or options.align == "right" then
else -- alignment is "center"
:css("width", options.width.."px")
:node(options.caption and mw.html.create("div")
return tostring(outerCountainer)
Package to be exported, i.e. methods which will available to templates and
other modules.
local p = {}
-- Entry point for templates
function p.main(frame)
local parent = frame.getParent(frame)
-- Check for overlay option
local overlay = util.getParameterValue(parent.args, 'overlay')
local hasOverlay = overlay and mw.text.trim(overlay) ~= ""
-- Check for switch option
local switch = util.getParameterValue(parent.args, 'switch')
local isMulti = switch and mw.text.trim(switch) ~= ""
-- Create output by choosing method to suit options
local output
if hasOverlay then
output = p.withOverlay(parent.args)
elseif isMulti then
output = p.multi(parent.args)
output = p._main(parent.args)
-- Preprocess output before returning it
return frame:preprocess(output)
-- Entry points for modules
function p._main(_args)
local args = util.trimArgs(_args)
local tagContent = make.content(args)
local display = mw.text.split(util.getParameterValue(args, 'display') or L10n.defaults.display, '%s*' .. L10n.str.dsep .. '%s*')
local displayInTitle = display[1] == L10n.str.title or display[2] == L10n.str.title
local displayInline = display[1] == L10n.str.inline or display[2] == L10n.str.inline
local output
if displayInTitle and displayInline then
output = make.titleOutput(args, tagContent) .. make.inlineOutput(args, tagContent)
elseif displayInTitle then
output = make.titleOutput(args, tagContent)
elseif displayInline then
output = make.inlineOutput(args, tagContent)
return output
function p.multi(_args)
local args = util.trimArgs(_args)
if not args[L10n.para.switch] then error(L10n.error.noSwitchPara, 0) end
local switchParamValue = util.getParameterValue(args, 'switch')
local switchLabels = util.tableFromList(switchParamValue)
if #switchLabels == 1 then error(L10n.error.oneSwitchLabel, 0) end
local mapframeArgs = {}
local switchParams = {}
for name, val in pairs(args) do
-- Copy to mapframeArgs, if not the switch labels or a switch parameter
if val ~= switchParamValue and not string.match(val, "^"..L10n.str.switch..":") then
mapframeArgs[name] = val
-- Check if this is a param to switch. If so, store the name and switch
-- values in switchParams table.
local switchList = string.match(val, "^"..L10n.str.switch..":(.+)")
if switchList ~= nil then
local values = util.tableFromList(switchList)
if #values == 1 then
error(string.format(L10n.error.oneSwitchValue, name), 0)
switchParams[name] = values
if util.tableCount(switchParams) == 0 then
error(L10n.error.noSwitchLists, 0)
local switchCount = util.subTablesCount(switchParams)
if not switchCount then
error(L10n.error.switchMismatches, 0)
elseif switchCount > #switchLabels then
error(string.format(L10n.error.fewerSwitchLabels, switchCount, #switchLabels), 0)
-- Ensure a plain frame will be used (thumbnail will be built by the
-- make.switcherHtml function if required, so that switcher options are
-- inside the thumnail)
mapframeArgs.plain = "yes"
local switcher = {}
for i = 1, switchCount do
local label = switchLabels[i]
for name, values in pairs(switchParams) do
mapframeArgs[name] = values[i]
table.insert(switcher, {
map = p._main(mapframeArgs),
label = "Show "..label
return make.switcherHtml(switcher, {
alignment = args["frame-align"] or "right",
isThumbnail = (args.frame and not args.plain) and true or false,
width = args["frame-width"] or L10n.defaults.frameWidth,
caption = args.text
function p.withOverlay(_args)
-- Get and trim wikitext for overlay map
local overlayMap = _args.overlay
if type(overlayMap) == 'string' then
overlayMap = overlayMap:match('^%s*(.-)%s*$')
local isThumbnail = (util.getParameterValue(_args, "frame") and not util.getParameterValue(_args, "plain")) and true or false
-- Get base map using the _main function, as a plain map
local args = util.trimArgs(_args)
args.plain = "yes"
local basemap = p._main(args)
-- Extract overlay options from args
local overlayOptions = {
width = util.getParameterValue(args, "frameWidth") or L10n.defaults.frameWidth,
height = util.getParameterValue(args, "frameHeight") or L10n.defaults.frameHeight,
align = util.getParameterValue(args, "frameAlign") or L10n.defaults.frameAlign,
border = util.getParameterValue(args, "overlayBorder") or L10n.defaults.overlayBorder,
horizontalAlignment = util.getParameterValue(args, "overlayHorizontalAlignment") or L10n.defaults.overlayHorizontalAlignment,
horizontalOffset = util.getParameterValue(args, "overlayHorizontalOffset") or L10n.defaults.overlayHorizontalOffset,
verticalAlignment = util.getParameterValue(args, "overlayVerticalAlignment") or L10n.defaults.overlayVerticalAlignment,
verticalOffset = util.getParameterValue(args, "overlayVerticalOffset") or L10n.defaults.overlayVerticalOffset,
isThumbnail = isThumbnail,
caption = util.getParameterValue(args, "text") or L10n.defaults.text
-- Make the HTML for the overlaying maps
return make.overlayHtml(overlayMap, basemap, overlayOptions)
return p