Pulmo ferrum

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This page is part of the category Anthroposophic Remedies Created by a PAAM Committee for the purpose of broadening appreciation of Anthroposophic Remedies- hopefully with the result that they are more well known to the public and also to prescribers.

Our patients are fortunate that Dr. Vogel, part of the WALA Physician circle,

developed the brilliant remedy, pulmo ferrum in 1975. He developed pulmo

ferrum specifically for pneumonia but this remedy can be helpful in

pneumonia, bronchitis, general cough and COPD.

Current research shows that iron has a specific relationship to the lungs

and lung disease. For example in pneumonia iron can be sequestered by

macrophages causing anemia of inflammation, it also plays a role in COPD

and fibrosis. These mechanisms are too involved to go into here but

generally speaking one can see that either too little or too much iron can

cause the lungs to fall out of its relationship to the whole organism.

The concept behind the organ/metal combination remedies is that while

the organ preparation works towards the etheric forces of the specific

organ, the metal works to enhance the ego organization. When giving a

remedy of a metal in potentized form, bringing the intention of the metal

which is directed by the planetary forces into activity, the ego organization

can take hold. Although each metal has an attraction to a specific organ,

the qualities of the potentized metal allow it, through the ego organization,

to create a warming of all the organs. In the situation of lung disease,

pulmo ferrum can bring about a reintegration of the lung to whole

organism. We usually see iron connected to the gall bladder, its gesture is

to help incarnate and is directed by the forces of Mars. We can see the

relationship to the incarnating gesture of iron to the lungs in the breathing


In my family practice pulmo ferrum is a “go to” remedy for patients of all

ages. I have had good success with treating COVID, pneumonia and COPD

especially as an injectable and have used it with premature infants orally. A

COPD patient shared her experience of pulmo ferrum as one of “a sense of

release in the lungs and a lessening of pressure on the chest”. It is

available from Uriel Pharmacy as an injectable and orally in pellet form.

Finding Remedies Vol 1&2,

The Secrets Of Metals, Pelikan